Adding up indirect evidence – and grabbing all those bits of information

I love finding stuff like this. My husband’s grandmother, Dorothy (Keane) Burns, was listed in the 1930 U.S. Census as a little girl (age 5), niece of the head of household (Edmund Sweeney), and living at 523 West 135th Street in Manhattan, New York.1 Also in the household were: Ellen Sweeney, Edmund’s wife (age 36,... Continue Reading →

Benjamin Franklin “Frank B.” Wright – In censuses and in between

My great grandfather was born Benjamin Franklin Wright, about 1892 in Delaware (“near Harrington”).[1] He appears to have been named for his father, Benjamin Franklin Wright, (and presumably also for another, more famous, Benjamin Franklin). My great grandfather though, didn’t much like his given name, and for most of his life went by “Frank B.”[2]... Continue Reading →

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